April 2023
The April meeting had a very short business discussion, with a final head count announced for the banquet and mention of a couple of upcoming nearby conventions. Jim Cox was on hand to hand out posters and flyers for the Springfield CIMGT in June.
Our theme was two-fold, with both Children’s Magic and Teach-A-Trick. Ian Munk performed, then explained a nifty 4-Ace Trick in which the Aces changed to 10s, and finally to Kings. Phil Raso demonstrated a funny gag for children using flash cards of animals. The idea was to pit the kids against the adults. In Phil’s re-working of the trick, the kids always won against the adults, which in the opinion of everyone present, was far superior to the creator’s original version in which the adults would win (and which seemed to make no sense at all).
Walter Smith used a really nice make of Candy Factory to change oatmeal into M&Ms. Jerry Tupper was next with a spelling trick, involving True and False. He then had a handful of colored loops link into a chain and then blend into one giant, multicolored loop. He then told a very detailed story of a love affair that lasted a lifetime in which a chunk of brass and some colored silks were repeatedly placed in and out of a cabinet and eventually turned into a large tie-dye silk and a brass bell… that rang.
Michael Baker attempted to follow this by teaching a card jumping from a hat, and then did a kid show presentation of 20th Century Silks for a roomful of faux children. Yort finished the magic session by having a pair of cards vanish from the deck and appearing in Walter Smith’s pockets.