November 2022

Early in November the Peoria Magicians hosted a fine lecture by Dan Fleshman, a very seasoned restaurant worker whose name speaks for itself. Dan showed a number of routines he uses in his own work and explained the inner work from years in this field. Thanks Dan!

The November meeting began with a discussion of the Magic Gathering we held in October. Many items were discussed regarding what went right and what we hope to improve. The consensus is that we’d like to do this again next year. So, consider plans already underway.

PMA prodigal son, Daniel Houston appeared like magic following an absence of more than a decade. Welcome back Daniel!

Next on the agenda was to begin discussions of plans for the club for 2023. This included agreeing to have the annual banquet in April, rather than in the winter as we usually do. This will hopefully help us avoid inclimate weather that has caused us scheduling problems in previous years.

We also decided on the new board of officers for 2023. This will be Rodney Nordstrom, President; Troy Keefer (Yort), V.P.; Jay Zentko, Treasurer; Michael Baker, Secretary. Phil Raso will remain on the board as Past President.

On to the magic for the night with a theme to coincide with Thanksgiving: “Tricks that might be turkeys, improved with good dressing”.

Michael Baker began by showing a simple Cut & Restored Rope and then repeated the same trick with a hopefully more entertaining presentation. Yort showed his rendition of “Now Look Here”, by Chad Long. The control of attention helps make this an entertaining routine. He then showed Hot Rod.

Greg Joyce discussed creating magic with found objects. He had clever ideas with avariety of things, some of which can be found at the dollar store.

Jerry Tupper introduced us to Merlock the Turkey Dog. He then showed an original routine involving scarves in a clear tube changing into a long streamer and a Thanksgiving Blendo finish.

Phil Raso demonstrated a solid version of Chicago Opener, a routine that he has obviously honed over the years.

The rest of the evening was devoted to magic talk and well wishes for everyone’s upcoming turkey feast.


Statement from the Incoming President


October 2022